Transport Models:

    Traffic and transportation and their interaction with other topics like land use, financial and regulatory organisation are becoming more and more complex, and as a result the impact of measures on mobility are therefore increasingly difficult to describe and predict. In this context are traffic models, combined with GIS applications, the essential tools that describe all aspects of traffic and transport in a comprehensive way. Moreover they allow us to validate and assess specific problems and reach well-balanced solutions. In this line of work EC-ITS supports their own studies as well as provide expertise for other actors. Key factor within the traffic modelling is the use of the correct tool and model on the required scale with a properly defined scope of work.

Strategic multi-modal models:

    - Policy supporting Euro-regional and local models
    - Optimisation models for public transport
    - Impact analysis of land use scenarios
    - Game theory

Dynamic mesoscopic models:

    - Real-time prognosis of traffic management schemes
    - Dynamic simulation of urban networks and corridors


    - Detailed analyses of junction layout and junction light schemes
    - Optimisation of traffic lights


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