Traffic Management:

    The increasing congestion on our transport networks triggers a more profound dimension on traffic management. Safety and accessibility are becoming more important issues than capacity. Public transport free flow, easy pedestrian crossings and accurate travel information on all modes of transport are key components on sustainable mobility. Within these domains EC-ITS is actively involved in both research and development of more competitive systems. EC-ITS acts as a link between industry and authority in the process of the implementation of innovative technologies on traffic and mobility management.

Traffic and mobility management:

    - Traffic light schemes
    - Traffic simulation and light signal control
    - Traffic management systems for urban areas
    - Public transport priority and free flow schemes and strategies
    - Rerouting, ramp metering, VMS and tidal flow systems
    - Public transport planning
    - Analysis of transport mode choices
    - Analysis and forecast of traffic demand
    - Public transport planning
    - Solution for intermodal freight transport (Rail freight service, Intermodal systems)


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